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In-stock info
Selections (Limit 10: clear all):
Cisco Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Essentials
Subscription license (3 years) - SIA
Item #: ESS-OLT-1P-SIA3
In Stock
Price: $1,640.79
MSRP: $2,700.00
Price: $1,640.79
MSRP: $2,700.00
Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage
Term License (1 month) - 400 Gbps - SIA
Item #: ADN-CA-400G-SIA-1M
In Stock
Price: $178.26
MSRP: $293.33
Price: $178.26
MSRP: $293.33
Cisco Core & Aggregation Advanced
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Advanced
Term License (1 month) - 100 Gbps - SIA
Item #: ADV-CA-100G-SIA-1M
In Stock
Price: $25.32
MSRP: $41.67
Price: $25.32
MSRP: $41.67
Cisco Core & Aggregation Advanced
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Advanced
Term License (1 month) - 400 Gbps - SIA
Item #: ADV-CA-400G-SIA-1M
In Stock
Price: $101.28
MSRP: $166.67
Price: $101.28
MSRP: $166.67
Cisco Core & Aggregation Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Essentials
Term License renewal (1 month) - 100 Gbps - SIA
Item #: ESS-100G-SIA-1M
In Stock
Price: $59.61
MSRP: $98.08
Price: $59.61
MSRP: $98.08
Cisco Access Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Access Essentials
Term License (1 month) - 100 Gbps - Cisco Software Innovation
Item #: ESS-AC-100G-SIA-1M
In Stock
Price: $59.61
MSRP: $98.08
Price: $59.61
MSRP: $98.08
Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage
Term License (1 month) - 400 Gbps - upgrade from Essentials - SIA
Item #: ESS-ADN-CA-400GS1M
In Stock
Price: $67.96
MSRP: $111.83
Price: $67.96
MSRP: $111.83
Cisco Core & Aggregation Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Essentials
Term License (4 years) - 100 Gbps - SIA - for P/N: 8201-SYS, 8202-SYS, 8800-LC-48H=, 8800-LC-48H-A=
Item #: ESS-CA-100G-SIA-4
In Stock
Price: $1,871.72
MSRP: $3,080.00
Price: $1,871.72
MSRP: $3,080.00
Cisco Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Essentials
Right-To-Use license
Item #: ESS-OLT-1P-RTU
In Stock
Price: $2,734.65
MSRP: $4,500.00
Price: $2,734.65
MSRP: $4,500.00
Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage
(v. 2.0) - subscription upgrade license (1 month) - 100 Gbps - upgrade from Essentials - SIA
Item #: ESS-ADN2-100GSIA1M
In Stock
Price: $26.74
MSRP: $44.00
Price: $26.74
MSRP: $44.00
Cisco Edge Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Edge Essentials
Term License renewal (1 month) - 100 Gbps - SIA
Item #: ESS-ED-100G-SIA1M
In Stock
Price: $151.93
MSRP: $250.00
Price: $151.93
MSRP: $250.00
Cisco Core & Aggregation Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Essentials
(v. 2.0) - Term License (1 month) - 100 Gbps - SIA
Item #: ESS2-100G-SIA-1M
In Stock
Price: $36.77
MSRP: $60.50
Price: $36.77
MSRP: $60.50
Theta Lake Legal Hold Case Management
Cisco - Theta Lake Legal Hold Case Management
Add-on license - SolutionPlus
In Stock
Price: $2,079.92
Price: $2,079.92
Cisco Access Advantage with Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Access Advantage with Essentials
Term License (1 month) - 100 Gbps - SIA
Item #: ADN-AC-100G-SIA-1M
In Stock
Price: $95.38
MSRP: $156.94
Price: $95.38
MSRP: $156.94
Cisco Core & Aggregation Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Essentials
Term License (1 month) - 100 Gbps - SIA
Item #: ESS-CA-100G-SIA-1M
In Stock
Price: $35.45
MSRP: $58.33
Price: $35.45
MSRP: $58.33
Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage
(v. 2.0) - Term License (1 month) - 100 Gbps - SIA - nested
Item #: ADN2-100G-SIA-1M
In Stock
Price: $63.51
MSRP: $104.50
Price: $63.51
MSRP: $104.50
Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage without Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage without Essentials
Term License (1 month) - 100 Gbps - SIA
Item #: ADV-100G-SIA-1M
In Stock
Price: $30.39
MSRP: $50.00
Price: $30.39
MSRP: $50.00
Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage
Cisco - Cisco Core & Aggregation Advantage
Subscription upgrade license (1 month) - 100 Gbps - upgrade from Essentials - SIA
Item #: ESS-ADN-100G-SIA1M
In Stock
Price: $35.76
MSRP: $58.85
Price: $35.76
MSRP: $58.85
Cisco Essentials
Cisco - Cisco Essentials
Term License (3 years) - SIA
Item #: ESS-ILA-SIA3
In Stock
Price: $2,552.46
MSRP: $4,200.12
Price: $2,552.46
MSRP: $4,200.12
Cisco Advanced
Cisco - Cisco Advanced
Subscription license (3 years) - SIA
Item #: ADV-OLT-1P-SIA3
In Stock
Price: $1,458.60
MSRP: $2,400.12
Price: $1,458.60
MSRP: $2,400.12